Archive for Opinion

Dear Brigitte

Posted in Life with tags , , , , , , on September 2, 2011 by lisadiakova

You are such an incredibly beautiful person. I am truly amazed by your magnificent spirit. What you wrote about me yesterday left me breathless, speechless, and so grateful to have met you. I am humbled by how bright you are. You are evidence that the world truly is a wondrous place, that among the wreckage and hatred, there are beings who shine brighter than any silly diamond.

I considered writing you a hand-written letter on beautiful paper, sprinkled with perfume… but you who put so much love and delicious energy into the world should be thanked and loved publicly. Every time we communicate I feel reinvigorated and ready to tackle even the darkest task.  Your heart can change monsters and divas and make them human again.

You are changing the world.